DP-Online Assessment Form

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Principle of Creation

1. How can we address the fundamental questions about man and the universe?
science only, since it is objective truth
through the principle of verification
we need to understand the nature of God and the principle by which He created the cosmos since God is the causal being and we are the resultant being
It is a waste of time to address these questions since we cannot come to any definite conclusion

2. How can we know God's nature who is invisible?
through the creation just as the character of an artists is refected in his works of art
we cannot know God's nature unless He reveals it to us clearly
through one another
impossible to know

3. What is the fundamental set of dual characteristics which we can observe in creation?
male and female or positive and negative
invisible internal character(mind) and more visible external form(body)
good and evil
light and darkness

4. What is the relationship of Mind and Body?(check if true)
I. mind is subject and body is object
II. mind is the initiator and the body is suppose to respond to the direction of the mind
III. mind is the motivator and the body should reflect the invisible mind
IV. it is impossible for invisible mind to relate to visible body
I & II
IV only
all the above

5. What are the secondary dual characteristics of creation?
male and female/positivity and negativity
good and evil
mind and body

6. What is the relationship between positivity and negativity?
positivity is subject and negativity is object
male/positivity is relatively internal and female/negativity is more external
positivity should dominate negativity

7. What can we say is the relationship between God and man/creation from what we have learned so far?
I. God is subject to man/creation which is in the object position(God is our Mind and Heart and we are like His substantial Body)
II. God is positivity/Masculinity and man/creation is negativity/Feminity(God is our Father in Heaven/God is our husband and we are wife to Him)
III. God is our Almighty God and we cannot apply humanistic relationship to our relationships with Him
I & II
all the above
none of the above

8. What are God's Original Internal Character and Original External Form?
I. God most essential character is His heart and His Original Internal Character is of His Emotion, Intellect and Will which is centred on His heart.
II. God's Original External Form, that is also invisible, is His Universal Prime Energy which is the causal energy of all energy forms of this physical world.
III. God is beyond understanding and any attempt to describe God ultimately limits Him
IV. When we refer to God's love and truth we are refering to God's Original Internal Character

V. When we refer to God's Almighty and all-powerful nature, we are referring to God's External Form
I & II
I, II, IV & V only
all the above

9. Even though God created each being with the necessary elements to maintain its own existence, is it God's purpose for each created being to live independently?
No, because all created beings were meant to exist, grow(develop) and multiply through inter-dependent and harmonious relationships with God and one another
Yes, due to the principle of the survival of the fittest

10. The forces necessary for existence, development and reproduction come from
food, water, air and sunlight that we receive
reciprocal relationship of giving and receiving between subject and object both within each of us and without between individuals. This giving, receiving and responding is call Give and Take action. .
within each one of us and not from without
our effort and hard work, independent of others

11. Some examples of give & take actions
I. individual: mind & body/ arteries and veins/inhale and exhale
II. family: husband and wife/parents and children/elder & younger
III. good & evil
IV. society: Government and people/teacher and students/organisation and individuals
V. material world: nucleaus and electrons/sun and planets
I & II
I, II, IV & V only
all the above

12. What is the principle of relationship based on give and take action?
I. giving precedes taking or receiving
II. God created man and creation by giving of Himself: sacrificing Himself for His creation
III. God sacrifice(give) and forgets
IV. Man cannot feel this love of God because man receives and forgets easily(we must take and never forget)
V. Problems and human sufferings result when man receives and never reciprocate(respond) to acts of love and giving
I & II
all the above
none of the above

13. Subject and object come together to have give and take actions because(check if it is true)
of the fundamental force of God which God endowed to every created being: Universal Prime Force
of attractive forces between male or female

14. Why is it that every created being has purpose and always strive to live for the purpose of the whole(live for others) rather than their individual purpose?
Universal Prime Force: the causal force of give & take forces
Man must fulfill individual purpose before living for others because man is different
forces of give and take
life force in every created being

15. Which statements are true of Universal Prime Force?
I. it is the force that enable God to exist as an eternal, self-existing and Absolute being
II. it is the force that provides a unifying purpose in all creation by directing all give & take actions
III. it directs all creation to exist first for the purpose of the whole before individual purpose
IV. it is the force that generated the evil forces of the cosmos
I & II
IV only
all of the above

16. What differentiate the purpose of the whole and individual purpose?
purpose of the whole brings joy to God and others whilst individual purpose brings joy to self
no different, since pursuing any of the two would lead to the same results
pursuing individual purpose would eventually lead to fulfilling purpose of the whole whereas pursuing purpose of the whole would lead to complete denial and suppression of individual purposes

17. Explain the original relationship that God wanted to establish with man from the understanding of give & take action?
God wanted to affirm that He is the ruler & master and man in the servant position is suppose to just obey and follow. If they have done that they would have established perfect give and take relationship with God.
God, giving the commandments to man is God's love for his children at the time of Adam and Eve. If Adam and Eve had responded in trust, faith and obedience a perfect vertical give & take relationship with God would have been established and mankind maintaining this vertical relationship would be able to maintain harmonious horizontal relationships by living for each other
If Adam and Eve had responded to God in obedience to His commandments, God would then be able love them unconditional as His children and the descendants of Adam and Eve would be His children for eternity.

18. Due to the fall of the first human ancestors, fallen mankind lost the perfect vertical give and take with God. What is God's plan for salvation?
God must come in place of Adam and established the perfect vertical give and take with God. Those that believe in this Messiah will be saved
God predestined the fall, and at His pre-determined time He would send to us His only begotten son to save us.
A person like Adam, born without sin, must restore Adam's failure and establish a perfect give and take relationship with God. Mankind establishing perfect give and take with this Messiah would restore their lost relationship of give and take relationship with God.

19. What can we say about purpose of creation?
I. each creation has its own purpose of existence
II. after the Fall, man is the most miserable of God's creation because fallen man is confused and ignorant of the purpose of his existence.
III. Man's purpose of existence is determined by his creator, God. By understanding the purpose of creation we can understand the true purpose of man and the universe
IV. God does not have a clear purpose for man because God want us to determine our own purpose
I & II
IV only
all the above

20. What else can we say about God's purpose of creation?
God's purpose of creation changes according to man's situation
God's purpose of creation or His will is eternal, unchanging and unique just as He is eternal, unchanging and unique.
God has no ideal since God gave man free choice and freedom

21. What can we say about joy?
I. it is a feeling that you create yourself. Depending on how you prepare your state of mind we can meet all experiences with joy.
II. joy is not created by the individual alone. It comes when we have an object, whether invisible or visible in which we see our own nature refleced and feel the stimulation derived from the object
III. when we as children of God respond to God's expectations and fulfill His hopes and dreams for us, we give joy to God and ourselves
I & II
all the above
none of the above

22. What can we say about God giving the commandments to Adam and Eve?
test of faith
God expressed His will and heart of love for man. Man as an object of love and joy, was suppose to respond most directly to God's will and heart
God knew that Adam and Eve would disobeyed Him so He predestined the coming of Christ to redeem sinful mankind.

23. God's purpose for creating man is
I. the 3 great blessings in Gen 1:28: fruitful, multiply and fill the earth and have dominion
II. perfection of His love by uniting in heart with God and inheriting His love; multiplying children of goodness centering on God's love by practising True Conjugal love and realising True Parenthood; and dominating the creation with God's love centering on God.
III. beyond man's understanding and man should just believe and have faith
I & II

24. What is the meaning of God's first blessing to man?
all endeavours of man will be fruitful and successful
to become perfected individuals who are one heart with God, thinking and living centering on God thus achieving deity and becoming the fruit of God's vertical love
to have many children

25. When man achieves God's first blessing of perfection what will be man's relationship with God?
sons & daughters: man will share all God's feeling as their own and man would not do anything that would bring grief and sorrow to God's heart. Perfected man would rather want to bring joy to God.
perfected man would be independent from God since He wanted mankind to be gods as well
man still must maintain his servant position and serve God

26. What is the meaning of God's second blessing for mankind?
to have unrestricted freedom and have wonderful children, establishing families that can be obedient to God
after fulfilling the first blessing of individual perfection, God wanted Adam and Eve to become eternal husband and wife perfecting the heavenly family multiplying children of goodness.
God wanted Adam and Eve to multiply the fruitfulness that God has blessed them with.

27. What else can we say about the 2nd blessing?
I. since God gave all three blessings, the 2nd blessing takes immediate effect together with the 1st and the 3rd blessing. That means God wanted Adam and Eve to have children of goodness immediately i.e. God blessed them husband and wife.
II. Given the right to multiply God's children of goodness, man would experience with his children the same joy that God experiences in His vertical love for us
III. Adam and Eve would have become the True Father and True Mother of all mankind, thus becoming the eternal True Parents of mankind
IV. This true family would then form true society, true nation and true world centering on God's love and truth. This would establish God's eternal Kingdom of Heaven on earth and in Heaven.
I & II
all the above

28. What can we say about the third blessing of "dominion" given to Adam and Eve?
God wanted mankind to be the ruler of this world just as God is ruler over man.
God created man in His image and He created the Creation in the image of man. God wanted man to dominate the creation with love and truth in the same manner as He is the God of love and truth to us.
Man does not need to earn this right to rule since God blessed this right and authority to mankind at the time of Adam and Eve. Blessing as the word implies is a gift from God. However, the only condition is that man must be eternally obedient to God as the ruler.

29. What can we say about the world if Adam & Eve had fulfilled the 3 blessings?
I. there would still be evil as it is today since God want mankind to choose between Him or self-centeredness
II. God and man, and man and creation would be in complete harmony thus establishing the Kingdom of Heaven on earth
III. mankind would live on earth with a life of total oneness with God and upon physical death would pass into the spiritual Kingdom of Heaven
IV. such men would live eternally under the perfect dominion of God's love
I & II
II, III & IV only
all the above

30. Explain the structure of the Kingdom of Heaven?
I. The Kingdom of Heaven is a world resembling an individual who has attained perfection where the mind's command is transmitted by the central nervous system to the whole body with one united purpose
II. God's kingdom is not man's kingdom. It is beyond human imagination.
III. God's will is conveyed to all His children through the true ancestors(central nervous system) of mankind under the ideal of God causing all to work toward one purpose
IV. perfect man would feel no antagonism against God's dominion of love just as no part of the body would rebel against a nerve's command
I & II
all the above

31. What is the meaning of the 6 days of creation?
I. time period required for the creation.
II. God's way of explaining in human terms
III. universe created through six geological periods
IV. a period of growth and development is required
I & II

32. What evidence do we have that man also was not created perfected but was supposed to be perfected through a growth period for perfection?
Adam and Eve need no period of perfection since they were created by God
the fact that Adam and Eve fell meant that they were still growing in perfection in love and heart. Perfected Adam and Eve would not disunite & disobey with God causing Him sorrow and grief.
The Bible did not reveal this and thus we should not speculate

33. What are the three stages of the growing period?
formation, growth and completion
solid, liquid and gas
mineral, plant and animal kingdom
evening, night and morning

34. Explain the period of growth in terms of dominion
I. After going through the growth period and reaching perfection, man will then dwell in God's direct dominion of love as a substantiaal object of the perfect God
II. Perfected man will also have direct dominion over all perfected things
III. During the growth period man is under the indirect dominion of God.
IV. God gave Adam and Eve dominion unconditionally so that man can be the ruler of the Creation.
I & II
IV only

35. What is the relationship of God and man during the growing period?
I. Because man is not perfected, God cannot relate to them directly
II. During the growing period God deals directly with the results of growth according to the Principle
III. It is a period when God will test man's absolute obedience
IV. Man is left on his own to fulfill his responsibility
I & II
I & IV

36. What is the main difference between man and all created things in terms of development and perfection?
I. All created things grow through the simple autonomy and dominion of the Principle, but man is perfected with the added requirement of fulfilling his portion of responsibility by observing the commandments of God
II. Man's perfection = Principle + responsibility
III. Man's perfection is fundamentally dependent on man's response to God's love and truth. Man's main responsibility is to unite absolutely with God's heart.
IV. There is no fundamental difference between creation and man in terms of perfection
I & II
all of the above

37. Explain man's perfection in terms of man and God's responsibility?
I. Man's perfection is determined largely by man and not God
II. Man's perfection = Man's responsibility + God's responsibility
III. Man's responsibility is to have absolute faith in God and God's responsibility is giving the commandments to man
IV. Man's perfection has nothing to do with man's responsibility. God is Almighty and He does not depend on man's responsibility. That would mean that God is weak and vulnerable.
I & II
IV only
none of the above

38. Why was man given human responsibility?
I. True right of dominion belongs only to the one who has created. God wanted man to create his own perfection through responsibility so that man can have the right of dominion.
II. so that man can inherit God creatorship
III. so that man will fall and God can send the Messiah
IV. part of the Great Scheme of God's creation.
I & II
all of the above

39. What can we say about God's expectation in salvation history?
I. Salvation is re-creation
II. There is no relationship between salvation history and God's principle of creation
III. God's expectation is not dependent on man
IV. since man failed his responsibility, man's original responsibility need to be fulfilled in the salvation providence
I & II
I & IV

40. Why is it that God's providence of restoration has been prolonged for so long?
I. Retribution for man's sinful history
II. the central figures in God's providence of restoration have repeatedly failed to accomplish their portion of responsibiity, with which God cannot interfere
III. Merciful God cannot give if man do not ask; cannot open the door if man do not knock and cannot help man to find if man does not seek. Central figures called by God has failed their responsibility
IV. it is part of God's Will
I & II
all the above

41. What is the impact of not having a systematic explanation of the spirit world?
I. affected the religious lives of many people
II. strengthen the faith of religious people
III. confusion of what the spirit world is like and what happens after death
IV. people can focus on living a righteous life
I & II
I, & III

42. Describe the relationship between physical and spirit world
I. Spirit world: subject, invisible, beyond time and space, and eternal
II. Spirit world resembles the human mind and the physical world resemble the human body
III. there is no relationship between physical and spirit world
IV. The physical world is a copy of the spirit world and the spirit world is a greater reality than this visible world.
I & II
I, & III
I, II & IV

43. What is man's relationship to these two worlds?
I. The physical world is patterned after the physical body of man and the physical body consist of the basic elements of the visible substantial world
II. Man lives in a physical world while on earth and during this time there is no relationship with the spirit world
III. God fashioned man's spirit from the elements of the spirit world.
IV. There cannot be a relationship between the invisible and the visible reality of man.
I & II
I, & III

44. What is man's position in terms of relationship with the spirit and physical world?
I. Medium of harmony: man is the centre of harmony and mediator.
II. Microcosm: man is the microcosm and encapsulation of the spirit and physical world
III. Ruler: man is supposed to dominate the physical world and spiritual world with God's love and truth.
IV. God has not given any special position to man. God will only do so after man has proven himself in terms of faith & obedience.
I & II

45. What is the relationship between the physical and the spirit self?
I. The spirit man can grow only on the soil of the physical man. A man becomes a being of goodness when his spirit self receive wholesome vitality elements from his physical man
II. A person with evil tendencies must repent while in his physical body so that his spirit man can receive wholesome vitality element.
III. like that between fruit and tree. The spirit man(fruit) grows while attached to the tree(physical man) by receiving vitality elements from the physical self as well as receiving life elements of truth and love from God
IV. The spirit man is subject to the physical man and is identical in appearance to the physical man.
I & II
I, & III

46. What is the most important aspect of the spirit man which needs to be perfected through the physical man?
his intellect, emotion and will
his sensitivity toward the love of God
mind and body unity
unity of parent and children

47. This perfection that is through the physical man is realised through..?
I. parental love: unconditional love of parents for children
II. conjugal love: fidelity love between husband and wife
III. children's love: children's love for their parents
IV. brotherly & sisterly love: fraternal love for one another
I & II
I, & III

48. What is true about physical death?
I. punishment for man's disobedience
II. man was meant to end their life physical and live for eternity in the spirit world after perfecting their love in this physical world
III. it is the order of creation that the physical body dies and it is not because of man's disobedience
IV. the result of man's sinful act is not physical death but spiritual death: separation from God's love and truth
I & II

49. What can we say about the perfection of man's spirit?
I. all creations are perfected through three orderly stages of growth; man's spirit also goes through three stages based on the physical man
II. the three stages of the perfection of man's spirit: form spirit, life spirit and divine spirit
III. God chooses the individuals that He wants to perfect their spirits
IV. the perfection of man's spirit has nothing to do with man's physical life on earth
I & II

50. What is the understanding of the Kingdom of Heaven?
I. God will establish His Kingdom of Heaven when the time comes.
II. When man lives according to God's ideal of creation in his physical body, he will be living in the Kingdom of Heaven on earth
III. those that can live a physical life of the Kingdom of Heaven on earth will live in the Kingdom of Heaven in the spirit world.
IV. Man's kingdom is not God's kingdom. How man lives his life has no bearing to God's Kingdom of Heaven.
I & II

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